Wednesday, February 23, 2011


God made you, and although it’s not easy for some of us to live comfortably in our own skin when need to learn to be happy and content with how God created us. What you see is truly more than what you get if you factor in your character. It amazes me how much influence TV personalities have on people, not just the young but the old as well. In today’s society too much emphasis is put on outer looks. Your clothes, your hair, the size of your visible body parts are not who you are. Your personality is what gives others a true glimpse of who you are and what you’re all about. It’s the condition of your heart and mind that shows your real character. We should be who we are and not get so wrapped up in being a carbon copy of someone else. Be you.

Don’t let people define you or judge you against the standards of others. Be yourself. We all have a different uniqueness that sets us apart from one other as individuals. Give respect and require that others respect you for who you are as well, not just want you look like on the outside. Yes, we should judge people by their character and not by the color of their skin, but let me interject in saying that we too should not be judged by our bodies. It broke my heart when I read a story just today of a young girl coming to the states to receive a body treatment that would enlarge the appearance of a certain part of her anatomy and ended up losing her life. In her mind she thought if she could just look a popular celebrity she could get more notability and popular just like the women she was trying to make adjustments to her body to mimic. We need to tell our daughters, nieces, and granddaughters that one’s character speaks more for who they are as a person than the clothes they wear, the style of their hair, or the size of their outer body parts. Let them know they are beautiful just as they are and that they can accomplish just as much by just being who God created them to be.

Changing one’s body exterior doesn’t change your character or make you a better person. Body enhancement is just a temporary fix to make one’s self pleasing to the eye of another. True Beauty is skin deep. People who really care about you will love you just the way you are. Your true character is what will help you excel in life and l take you more places than you think. We live in a world where people are fashioned in many different colors, shapes, and sizes. Don’t let nobody influence you to change the real you. Don’t let the world’s standards define to you what beauty is. Your superficial appearance does not define your beauty, true beauty comes from within. Love yourself and be proud to be just how God fashioned you.

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